Rozjetá Babeta

Rozjetá Babeta is a little big movie about the countryside and motorcycles as strong as the friendship of their owners. Its creation has a very simple cause. Some time ago, we gave a pair of Deep Sleep shoes to our friend Nikolas, who is a young filmmaker, to inspire him and let him shoot a video with them. We purposely left him a free hand and waited what would come out of this collaboration.

The result is a movie that is full of tranquility, friendship and unconcern. The fall countryside scenery spiced up with acrid smoke and high tones of the weak motorcycles are present in almost every shot. There isn’t much needed to leave a powerful experience and memories to which we like to come back to.

Nikolas Tušl is one of the outstanding figures of the Czech skateboarding scene. Among others, he is the co-author of several videos like Ketchup Kids Robotix or Robotix Gipsy Tour. He often turns the lens of his camera towards other topics outside of this exciting sport.

You can run into shots by Nikolas in the movie Polski Film by director Marek Najbrt, or in promotional campaigns for fashion brand H&M and others. He is an integral part of the Robotix studio and a member of a group Rozjetej Kamion, associating like-minded creative individuals.

Photo: Nikolas Tušl